From my mouth, I pour into the mass
Old words and sacred rites
But in my hand, I hold most dear
A sceptre of God's Might.
My fidelity to the source of force
The fearful law I undertake
Love my God, for he is Love
But he is also Hate
And as masses kneel, I sigh in peace
They don't know it's their loss
They hold within them sacred keys
The Fire and the Cross
I wrote this with the lies that religion tells us in mind. Faith brings many amazing gifts, and yet often removes from our personal power. This Hierophant is offering comfort to his followers, and yet is concealing from them their greatest truth. His guidance comes from a place of fear, rather than love, and he uses his power to snuff the will of his masses.
I noted while writing this that the Hermit shares many of the meanings of the Hierophant: Wisdom, belief, someone you can turn to for spiritual guidance or counsel... When I compared both cards, I could see that both had staffs. I interpreted these as the might of deity, or as power... The Hermit is leaning on his, he is supported by deity, he trusts deity and he surrenders to it, he uses deity to draw power to himself. The Hierophant however weilds it. He wants to own power, to attach strict laws to it, and to hold it over others.