Poetic Arcana
Tarot and Poetry are both mirrors, which help us navigate the spiral of life. The nature of each is the creation of narratives which give us the highest perspective.
With this in mind, I wrote Poetic Arcana during late night breastfeeds with my new baby. My inspiration was using poetry to communicate the emotions that we feel at pinnacle points of life. I selected cards which linked with life events many people experience; drawing on my own personal experiences where particular cards come up. So the poems can be an educational tool; because they are the raw reality of the feeling of the card. Writing them was a radical act of self love, and it really hurt and cleared a lot of emotions; so I encourage you to write your own poetry and do the same, it truly is a gateway for healing!
Poetic Arcana is currently in the process of being published, and will shortly be available either through myself at stalls and events, in the beautiful Airy Fairy in Sheffield, (home to the Sheffield Goddess Temple) and on amazon. However I have also decided to share my words beyond that book and have shared a few in the public domain, which you may enjoy here.
I really put my heart and soul into these, so I hope they resonate with you!