I'm the first to admit, I struggle with getting things on paper. My mind is like a filing drawer, packed with loose sheets, organised by shape and colour... and so a blank page can look both overstimulating and univiting.
I completely lack any rhythm or discipline, and prefer to get out and do rather than to stew. Shamefully, I have no tarot journal. Would you even believe it? I wouldn't know where to begin writing one! And despite liking social media, I can't immerse myself in it like many tarotistas. In fact it can be easy to fall into the trap of looking wistfully at beautifully crafted journals, aesthetically perfect instagrams with thousands of followers. But it is the lack of doing this that has given me the greatest gift. By being a doer, getting out there and just reading the cards, I have somehow made it as a full time tarot reader. By that I mean, my day job is reading tarot, not writing or YouTubing about it, or making zoom meetings or being a tarot scholar... I don't have a best seller or a swathes of followers, but I have read for literally thousands of people, and continue to do so.
I have read tarot anywhere I can pitch a table- from punk gigs, to circuses, farmers markets, weddings and bizarre art parties. 2022 has brought me my amazing rainbow tent, Gertrude, and I began travelling around pagan camps with her and my family, reading tarot.
There are facets of the tarot that can only be learned by getting out there and reading. For instance, each event has its own energetic imprint, that will influence the cards. It is like the universe knows why people need that event, so it throws out patterns, distinct to that event. Speaking of patterns, sometimes the deck will throw out the same cards again and again, in a different order; picking up on commonalities within the collective. The cards will also bend their meaning to relate to the person being read for.
I recently read for a man with the Wheel of Fortune and The Chariot at the centre of his spread. He likes to dabble on the stock market, but holds onto one particular share that he feels will pay off. And yes; it is called The Chariot! I read for a detective who's soul space card came up as the 7 of cups, the card of needing to look into all the possibilities, with a clear head.
I've read while watching pole dancers, hoop spinners, contortionists, fire eaters, at a wedding and at two funerals.
And it seems a shame not to write about it, doesn't it? So welcome to my little journal, where my intention is to catalog the amazing spaces tarot takes me, and what comes up there. I hope you enjoy it!